First Game: Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Fighting Style: With Masamune
Occupation: Soldier First Class
Long hair equals the pinnacle of evil. When Final Fantasy VII first came out in 1997, its vainglorious super-villain, Sephiroth, was on everyone's tongue. Introduced there as the main antagonist, character designer Tetsuya Nomura wanted his role in the story to be different from the other Final Fantasy villains while his design is intended to contrast directly with that of the main character, Cloud Strife. This giant sword wielding emo punk takes the cake as the best villain of the year. Seriously, the guy is more enduring than a Gal?pagos tortoise. When you can ruthlessly bloodshed one of the most endeared characters of a role-playing franchise because she stands in the way of your annihilating the world and becoming a god, you've ascended to the top ranks of scoundrelism. His reputation of being inexplicably hard to beat only served to buttress his star status. We even forgive you for killing our beloved Aerith because you are just so cool.
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